Our Services

For emergencies, call 911. For immediate support, find a 24-hour crisis-line here.

En cas d’urgence, composez le 911. Pour obtenir un soutien immédiat, communiquez avec une ligne d’aide 24 heures.

Our Services

Helping you build your strengths and achieve your goals

Our caring and compassionate staff provide a range of programs that are designed to support you and family through your parenting journey and help you overcome challenges.

This holistic approach means that you, your child, and your family, can find support through our programs. 

Programs are available only for Rose of Durham clients, but it’s easy to book an intake appointment with one of our counsellors to get started. Some programs require pre-registration; you can ask your counsellor or our reception team for more information.

Baby Love

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Baby Love is an 8-week preventive intervention that helps caregivers foster secure attachment relationships with their young babies.

Early Connections

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Early Connections focuses on strengthening the attachment relationship, child development, and making healthy choices during pregnancy using interactive interventions that allow the participants to begin the attachment process prenatally.

Early Literacy Programming

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We offer a variety of groups throughout the year to help encourage early literacy and expand children's love of books and language.

Family Play

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Family Play is a drop-in program where participants can enjoy meeting new people and participating in fun and creative activities with their child that focus on gross motor skill development.

Infant Massage

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Interactive classes teaching parents to gently massage their babies to encourage attachment.

Make the Connection 1 & 2

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Make the Connection 1 guides participants through three systems of infant development which include making the connection between children and their caregiver through love, language and learning.

Make the Connection 2 is designed to strengthen the parent-child relationship during the pivotal second year, when toddlers begin to seek autonomy.

Me, My Baby, Our World

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Me, My Baby Our World is a 12-week interactive parenting program that focuses on a healthy attachment between primary caregivers and their child/children to support their growth and development. The program includes circle time, parent discussion and scrapbooking. During the parent discussions, participants will explore issues that relate to their child’s temperament, attachment and mental health.

Music and Movement

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Weekly drop-in program for parents and children to have interactive fun with music.

Parents Café

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Weekly parents’ drop-in program to meet other parents and form positive social networks. Childminding is provided.

Partners in Parenting

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Partners in Parenting (PIP) is a program to address the needs of those who are parenting a child and who may or may not be in a relationship together; this could be couples or could be other forms of relationships(e.g. grandparent – parent). The one requirement is that they are actively parenting a child/children together.

The program is eight weeks long, and the sessions are designed to cover a range of topics with a focus on co-parenting and parenting competencies. The intention of the program is to begin to build both strong parenting relationships and parenting skills.

The program can be delivered both in a larger registered group format, or if preferred, can be individualized by the facilitator to accommodate families. To participate in either group or individual formats, both co-parents must be present for the same program.

Prenatal Classes

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S.M.I.L.E. (Supporting Mother and Infant Learning Experience) are free prenatal classes for young and vulnerable expectant parents, run by Durham Region Public Health nurses. Participants may bring a partner/coach to this program.

School Program

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This program is provided by the Durham Catholic District School Board and is facilitated by a certified teacher. Young and vulnerable parents are often referred to this program by their guidance counsellor; however, clients are also able to self refer. Clients can attend classes at Rose of Durham while they are pregnant, and continue postnatally, and classes are open to both young men and women. They are then transitioned back to a mainstream school, college, or alternative program.

Classes are offered during the regular school year from September to June, and include correspondence-based lessons with the hands-on support of an onsite teacher on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students are encouraged to attend both days to remain current with their lessons (both correspondence and in class).

Toddler Dayz

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Toddler Dayz is a 12-week parent-child program that uses interactive, developmental activity stations to encourage positive parent-child interactions and to teach parents coping tools and strategies. This program addresses parents’ concerns regarding appropriate child development and milestones in an environment that is child friendly with enriched parent-child activities to provide education, information and hands-on experiences.

What a Difference a DAD Makes

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What a Difference a DAD Makes is a 10-week program just for dads that focuses on building character and developing parenting techniques. The program emphasizes the importance of positive male role models and how they can be a key contributor to the growth and future of their children’s lives.

Rose of Durham

Rose of Durham provides young parents with counselling and support services that utilize their strengths and help them achieve their goals.

Renewal Psychotherapy Durham

Renewal Psychotherapy Durham assists individuals, couples and families going through challenging times to find help and healing using psychotherapy.

Safety Network Durham

Safety Network Durham helps survivors of gender-based violence access community supports with just one call.