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Client Complaints Policy

The Agency is open to receiving complaints from clients or the community about the service provided by the agency. Complaints must be brought to the attention of the Executive Director or the direct supervisor. To facilitate communication re: client complaints, the following procedure should be followed:

1. The client may speak to his or her social worker and/or put the complaint in writing. If necessary and appropriate, the social worker and/or client will arrange a meeting with the direct supervisor or the Executive Director.

2. If the matter is not resolved between the client and the social worker and/or the direct supervisor, the client should be encouraged to put the complaint in writing and direct it to the Executive Director.

3. Should the matter not be resolved with the Executive Director, the client may write to the Chair of the Board of Directors to seek a resolution. Agency acknowledgement of the receipt of the client’s complaint should be made within three working days and the resolution of the complaint within a month.

4. Complaints involving French Language Services will follow the same procedures, however, the French Language Services Committee of the Board will also be made aware of the complaint and resulting resolution process (should it escalate to Step 2 and 3) and at least one bilingual Board member will work in tandem with the Executive Director (for steps 2 and 3)to ensure proper representation of and respect for the unique culture of the French-speaking community being served. An interpreter will also be offered to the French-speaking client making the complaint.

5. Complaints will be documented in the client’s file, including the handling of the complaint process and resolution. Any human resource issues will be documented by the manager in the employee’s file, and any trends noted and monitored.

6. Managers are to make all complaints known to the Executive Director, and these are reported to the Board on a monthly basis. Notice of this procedure will be available on request in each office location and both Board and Staff will be trained and privy to this process

Notice of this procedure will be available on request in each office location and both Board and Staff will be trained and privy to this process

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